The best adventure sports for adrenaline rush in Cusco

Reading : 2 min January 22 2019

The Andes, the Urubamba River, countless lakes… Cusco and especially the Sacred Valley have everything you need to spend a holiday full of adventure, with sports for all tastes. If you are one of those who can not spend a day of vacation lying down and relaxed, here we tell you the best plans for adventure tourism in Cusco.


ATV through the Sacred Valley


Cultural tourism and adventure are mixed in this modality that everyday has more fans. It’s about touring the Sacred Valley in ATV, stopping at two of its great treasures: the platforms of Moray and the Salineras de Maras.

This tour, which lasts approximately two hours and will allow you to appreciate the Sacred Valley in a much closer way, is suitable for all ages, since children can travel on the ATV with their parents.



Trekking more than 3,000 meters above sea level is instead an adventure! Being located in the Andes, Cusco has many options for lovers of high altitude walks. The Mountain of 7 Colors, the Huamantay Lagoon, Choquequirao, Huayna Picchu… you can not choose only one!


Canoeing or rafting


Another of the most original ways to travel through the Sacred Valley is through the Urubamba River. Its waters, perfect for practicing sports such as rafting, during the rainy season (from December to April) reach up to grade IV of these sports disciplines.



Paragliding is the closest thing to flying with your own wings, and what better way to do it surrounded by such an amazing landscape as the Sacred Valley? Various agencies in Cusco offer this experience in the Urubamba Valley. Here await you 20 minutes of flight with snow-capped mountains and the greenery of the valley as a backdrop.


Mountain biking

Can you imagine traveling the Inca Trail by bicycle? Or visit archaeological sites at the rate of your own pedaling? In Cusco there are several routes through which you can learn about the history of our country while practicing a sport as complete as cycling. Of course, you must be physically prepared since height makes this sport much more demanding.


Canopy or zipline


Another way to visit the Sacred Valley from the air is by canopy or zipline. Through a route that goes from 150 to 700 meters, you can move around the valley as if you were flying. In addition, some of the companies that offer this service perform a via ferrata in the surroundings. An adventure not suitable for those who suffer vertigo!




In recent years, paddleboarding has become a place among adventure sports lovers. This sport is perfect for those who like surfing but prefer something quieter. In Cusco, many tourists move to the Piuray lagoon for paddleboarding. Any water surface serves to enjoy on a paddle board!


Bungee jumping


The sport for the most daring adventurers has a special place in the Sacred Valley, since here is the highest jump tower in South America, with 122 meters. For those who do not know, bungee jumping consists of jumping from a platform and tied only to the feet with a special elastic rope. The best way for adrenaline rush!



Very similar to bungee jumping, but with a starting point on the ground: this is the slingshot. To practice it, Cusco’s adventure tourism agencies will take you to the Sacred Valley. Here, you will be placed on a platform and, tied to a rope, you will rise at a great speed to 120 meters in just 3 seconds. A flight that will make you feel like Superman!


Climb and Rappel

In an adventure sports combo we find climb and rappel. Places like Balcón del Diablo, in the north of the Sacred Valley, have perfect walls to practice both of those sports.



Of course, in Cusco there is also a place for speleology. Fans of cave exploration will find places of different depths here, including the Chincana Grande, with 150 meters, which is located under the Sacsayhuaman Fortress. An exciting place!

Do you dare to practice any of these adventure sports during your visit to Cusco? We remind you that it is important to always do it with an authorized adventure tourism agency, who ensure that your safety.


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