Exploring the Andes in Style: What to wear during your trip to Cusco

Reading : 3 min June 26 2023

Cusco is a great destination for all types of travelers. It has beautiful landscapes, offers lots of cultural activities, there's adventure everywhere and it has a mind blowing gastronomy. When you visit the former capital of the Inca Empire, you will find everything you need, but it is a smart choice being well prepared for whatever the universe decides to surprise you with. So, besides your passport, train tickets to Machu Picchu and hotel reservations, you must bring with you the right clothing for Cusco's weather. In this article we will tell you what to wear on your trip to Cusco and Machu Picchu.

When it comes to preparing for a trip to Cusco, there is one crucial thing to keep in mind: the climate. The Andean highlands have a unique and varied climate, and Cusco's location at an altitude of 11,000 feet above sea level means that the weather can be unpredictable. One moment, the sun might be shining bright, and the next, it could be pouring rain or even snowing. Therefore, it's essential to pack smart and wear the right clothing to stay comfortable throughout your trip.

Why visit Cusco city | Blog Machu Travel Peru

When packing your bags for your trip to Cusco, there are a few things to remember at all times. First of all, the weather can be quite chilly, especially in the early mornings and evenings, so it's best to dress in layers. Secondly, Cusco's altitude means that the sun's rays are really strong, and the air is quite dry, so it's important to protect your skin and stay hydrated.

So, what should you wear during your trip to Cusco? Here are a few must-haves for your packing list:

  1. Warm and comfortable clothing: Bring a warm, waterproof jacket, as well as comfortable layers that can be easily removed or added as the temperature changes throughout the day. A hat, gloves, and scarf are also handy items to have, especially if you plan on taking part in outdoor activities.
  2. Comfortable shoes: Cusco's streets and alleyways are cobblestoned and uneven, so it's best to wear comfortable shoes with strong ankle support. Sneakers or hiking boots are a good option, especially if you plan on exploring the region's many hiking trails.
  3. Sun protection: As mentioned earlier, the altitude means that the sun's rays are very strong, so be sure to bring sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat to protect yourself from the sun.

Being well prepared for this incredible adventure is certainly crucial, but you must remember to always dress according to your personal style, no matter what it means in terms of fashion.

When going to Machu Picchu

Although Machu Picchu is located in Cusco, it has a different climate, warmer and more humid than the imperial city. So when you visit the stunning Citadel of Machu Picchu you will need a few specifics in order to be comfortable and well prepared for the adventure. This is a list of what to wear in Machu Picchu:

10 Essential Items You Must Pack for Your Trip to Machu Picchu | PERU  TRAVEL GUIDE, General Information About Peru

  1. Bring light clothing for your adventure. Machu Picchu is warmer during the day, as it is the gate of Peru's rainforest, so it is a good idea to bring a pair of shorts, t-shirts or whatever piece of garment you feel comfortable with for tropical weather. 
  2. Machu Picchu is cold during nights, so make sure to bring with you a warm  jacket, pants and good mountain shoes.
  3. Machu Picchu can surprise you with a heavy rain almost every day, so a rain poncho will be a “must have” on your backpack. 
  4. Don't forget a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen lotion to protect your skin from the sun rays.
  5. Machu Picchu has beautiful hot springs or thermal baths where you can relax after visiting the Citadel while enjoying the views, so pack your bathing suit and flip-flops to experience the perfect feeling at the end of the perfect day.
  6. You will need a strong insect repellent to avoid mosquitos and other little fellows. 

Traditional clothing

Now, let's talk about traditional Cusco clothing. The region has a rich cultural heritage, and one of the best ways to experience it is through its traditions and  customs, which includes pottery, jewelry, music, dances and clothing. Many locals still wear colorful and intricate outfits that reflect the region's history and culture. The most iconic traditional clothing item is the poncho, a woolen garment worn over the shoulders that is often brightly colored and decorated with elaborated patterns.

Traditional Peruvian Clothing | Blog Machu Travel PeruAnother popular item of traditional clothing is the chullo, a knitted hat with earflaps that is often adorned with colorful tassels or pompoms. The chullo has been worn by Andean people for centuries and is an essential item to keep warm in the chilly Andean weather.

You will find chullos, ponchos and other goods in markets all over the city and the nearby towns and villages, so you will be able to buy whatever you find beautiful and take with you some high quality souvenirs for your friends and family back home.

Remember that exploring the Andes in style means dressing for the weather, wearing the right kind of clothing for whatever activity you sign up for, and being comfortable with your own personal style. Remember to pack layers, comfortable shoes and sun protection, and you'll be ready to take on all the adventures Cusco has to offer. And don't forget to appreciate the rich cultural heritage of the region by exploring traditional garments such as the poncho and chullo, and even trying them on for yourself. Cusco is truly a unique experience you will never forget.



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